Education Management in the New Uzbekistan: Trends and Challenges in the Context of Globalization



the article discusses current trends and challenges in education management in Uzbekistan within the context of globalization. It analyzes changes taking place in Uzbekistan's education system in recent years, focusing on the introduction of innovations, development of information and communication technologies, and active learning methods. The article also explores the issue of quality assurance in education, assessment of student outcomes, and adaptation of the education system to international standards.

About the Authors

List of references

Mirziyoyev Sh.M. Yangi O’zbekiston Strategiyasi. – Toshkent: O’zbekiston, 2021.

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Указ Президента Республики Узбекистан «Об утверждении Концепции административной реформы в Республике Узбекистан» за №УП-5185 от 08.09.2017г. Источник:

Указ Президента Республики Узбекистан «Об утверждении Концепции развития системы высшего образования Республики Узбекистан до 2030 года» за №УП-5847 от 08.10.2019г. Источник:

How to Cite

Khodjaev, N. (2024). Education Management in the New Uzbekistan: Trends and Challenges in the Context of Globalization. MMIT Proceedings, 7–9.
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